Homes for sale in Dorchester Estates
Where is Dorchester Estates? This lovely neighborhood is located just off Hwy 40 on SW 110th Ave.
What do people like about this neighborhood? The residents love the large lots which are about an acre in size. The also love the large custom built homes. There is a lot of nature to observe in the area as well. Lots of birds, turtles and etc. also call this area home.
Some Good neighborhood info: There is an HOA in the neighborhood that cares for the common areas like the main entry. A new side entry was just added off Hwy 40 as well. The HOA is fairly low at the moment. The school zones for this area are Romeo Elementary, Dunnellon Middle and West Port High. There is a large iron gate at the main entry, you must have an appointment to enter. There are several lots still available and more homes are sure to come soon.
Other Neighborhoods to consider: Meadow Wood Farms
Homes for sale in Dorchester Estates are listed below. If there are none showing, then none are currently available. Please check back or contact me to be notified when a home lists here