Homes for sale in Countryside Farms
Where is Countryside Farms located? Countryside Farms is located in SW Ocala just off Hwy 200. It is one of a few gated horse communities in Ocala. The great thing about this area is it’s close proximity to town!
What do people like about this area? The residents love the friendly neighborhood feel and the commonality of the equestrian hobby with thier neighbors. The like that the neighborhood is located so close to shopping and dining. They can have the country feel, close to town.
Neighborhood info: The neighborhood is gated and has an HOA with low monthly fees. The fees oversee bylaws and take care of common areas. Schools zones are Hamet Bowen Elem., Liberty Middle and West Port High.
Please visit their HOA page for deed restrictions.
Current Home Owners: Are you thinking of selling, Contact me for a free evaluation then let’s discuss the best marketing plan to get your home SOLD!
Future Home Owners: Take a look at the list below of any homes that are currently available. If you see anything you like, let me know so we can take a look.
If you need to speak to a lender regarding rates and payments, please contact one of out preferred lenders.
Buyers that liked this neighborhood also liked Meadow Wood Farms
See Homes for sale in Countryside farms below. If nothing appears, nothing is available sadly.